Built-in Palettes

These are built-in palettes that come with colorir by default.

Some of the following palettes have named colors (considered palettes), while in others colors are unnamed (considered stack palettes). After the name of each palette, it is indicated which type it belongs to, and therefore whether it should be loaded with Palette.load() or StackPalette.load().

You can view the name and hex color code of each color by hovering it with the mouse. Clicking on a color will copy its hex code to the clipboard.


Palettes that provide access to commonly used colors.

basic - palette

rainbow - palette

css - palette

Web colors of CSS and HTML.

Birds of Brazil

Palettes that pay homage to the beautiful compositions painted in the feathers of birds native to my home country, Brazil.

precious_tanager - stack palette

Colors of the south-american Tangara preciosa.

scarlet_macaw - stack palette

Colors of the parrot Ara macao.

toco_toucan - stack palette

Colors of the largest species of toucan, Ramphastos toco.

hyacinth_macaw - stack palette

Colors of the parrot Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus.


Palettes created by me that don’t fit other categories.

carnival - stack palette

Similarly to spectral spans over a wide span of hue values, making it a good fit for categorical data.

passion - palette

Complements the peace palette. Take a moment to look at the name of the colors of these palettes, they took a while to come up with!

peace - palette

Complements the passion palette.

sky - palette

Take a look at the sky! Its colors have inspired many poets and painters throughout history.

mystic_forest - palette

fire - palette

Colors inspired by the many aspects of flame.

world_flags - palette

Colors picked from country flags.

pantone_years - palette


Do not rely on the size (length) of this palette in your code. It is bound to change every year when a new color of the year is released by Pantone.

Colors awarded as color of the year by Pantone.

pigments - palette

Colors derived from pigments.

Color Brewer

Palettes extracted from the amazing Color Brewer project.

accent - palette

dark2 - palette

paired - palette

pastel1 - palette

pastel2 - palette

set1 - palette

set2 - palette

set3 - palette

spectral - stack palette

blues - stack palette

greens - stack palette

greys - stack palette

oranges - stack palette

purples - stack palette

reds - stack palette

brbg - stack palette

bugn - stack palette

bupu - stack palette

gnbu - stack palette

orrd - stack palette

piyg - stack palette

prgn - stack palette

pubu - stack palette

pubugn - stack palette

puor - stack palette

purd - stack palette

rdbu - stack palette

rdgy - stack palette

rdpu - stack palette

rdylbu - stack palette

rdylgn - stack palette

ylgn - stack palette

ylgnbu - stack palette

ylorbr - stack palette

ylorrd - stack palette


Palettes from the Carto project.

burg - stack palette

burgyl - stack palette

redor - stack palette

oryel - stack palette

peach - stack palette

pinkyl - stack palette

mint - stack palette

blugrn - stack palette

darkmint - stack palette

emrld - stack palette

ag_grnyl - stack palette

bluyl - stack palette

teal - stack palette

tealgrn - stack palette

purp - stack palette

purpor - stack palette

magenta - stack palette

sunset - stack palette

sunsetdark - stack palette

ag_sunset - stack palette

brwnyl - stack palette

armyrose - stack palette

fall - stack palette

geyser - stack palette

temps - stack palette

tealrose - stack palette

tropic - stack palette

earth - stack palette

antique - stack palette

bold - stack palette

pastel - stack palette

prism - stack palette

safe - stack palette

vivid - stack palette


Palettes from matplotlib.

“rainbow” was renamed to “mpl_rainbow” for compatibility reasons.

tab10 - palette

tab20 - stack palette

tab20b - stack palette

tab20c - stack palette

magma - stack palette

inferno - stack palette

plasma - stack palette

viridis - stack palette

cividis - stack palette

twilight - stack palette

twilight_shifted - stack palette

wistia - stack palette

afmhot - stack palette

autumn - stack palette

binary - stack palette

bone - stack palette

bwr - stack palette

cool - stack palette

coolwarm - stack palette

copper - stack palette

cubehelix - stack palette

gist_earth - stack palette

gist_gray - stack palette

gist_heat - stack palette

gist_yarg - stack palette

gray - stack palette

hot - stack palette

hsv - stack palette

jet - stack palette

turbo - stack palette

ocean - stack palette

pink - stack palette

seismic - stack palette

spring - stack palette

summer - stack palette

terrain - stack palette

winter - stack palette

rocket - stack palette

mako - stack palette

icefire - stack palette

vlag - stack palette

flare - stack palette

crest - stack palette

mpl_rainbow - stack palette


Palettes from seaborn.

deep - stack palette

muted - stack palette

pastel - stack palette

bright - stack palette

dark - stack palette

colorblind - stack palette


Palettes from plotly.

“icefire” was renamed to “plotly_icefire” for compatibility reasons.

plotly - stack palette

d3 - stack palette

g10 - stack palette

t10 - stack palette

alphabet - stack palette

dark24 - stack palette

light24 - stack palette

blackbody - stack palette

bluered - stack palette

electric - stack palette

plotly3 - stack palette

algae - stack palette

amp - stack palette

deep - stack palette

dense - stack palette

haline - stack palette

ice - stack palette

matter - stack palette

solar - stack palette

speed - stack palette

tempo - stack palette

thermal - stack palette

turbid - stack palette

picnic - stack palette

portland - stack palette

balance - stack palette

curl - stack palette

delta - stack palette

oxy - stack palette

edge - stack palette

phase - stack palette

mrybm - stack palette

mygbm - stack palette

plotly_icefire - stack palette